
If You Have Thin/Thinning Lips – Here Is a Mistake You Might Be Making With Your Lip Liner…

When it comes to makeup, details matter. One small blunder can drastically alter the look you’re aiming for. One makeup product that is commonly misused, especially by beginners, is the lip liner. Are you making the typical lip liner mistake? Keep reading to find out what it is and how to avoid it.

What Is the Lip Linning Mistake You Might Be Making?

Tight lining the lips with the liner and bringing the liner all the way to the corners of the mouth creating a harsh line.

How to Properly Apply

-You want to STOP lining right before the corner the the mouth and smudge it out by doing this, it creates a nice soft line.

-On top of the lip, start right after the cornor of the mouth, after the cornor of the mouth bring it up, and softly around the top of the lip vs a harsh line. Watch this tutorial to see how I apply!

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