With this makeup line, you get to build your own eyeshadow palette with colors you’ll actually use, and bonus everything is magnetic and easy to replace so no more wasting compacts too! All these eyeshadows are so easy to mix + match and build on. The colors are highly pigmented, don’t have fall out, blend beautifully, and are much bigger than traditional eyeshadows which means they’re gonna last ya at least a year with frequent use.
Step 1: Start with priming your lid (I use my foundation shade with setting powder over top)
Step 2: Use a muted mauve and sweep it all over the lid (Lullaby)
Step 3: Next, use a darker mauve purple shade and apply to the outer corner of the eye (Kin)
Step 4: The last shade is a light shimmer and you’re just going to set it right on the inner corner of the lid (As you wish)
Shop eyeshadow palette here: https://paigeavenue.seintofficial.com/en/shop/party-319951/palette-builder#eyJjb21wYWN0Q2F0ZWdvcnlJZCI6MTMyLCJjb21wYWN0SXRlbUlkIjo1OTEsIml0ZW1JZHMiOlszNDksMzQ2LDM2Nl0sInZlcnNpb24iOjJ9
Shop my eyeshadow brush: https://paigeavenue.seintofficial.com/en/shop/party-319951/177/brushes/102/eyeshadow-brush-rose-gold